Simultaneous generalizations of known fixed point theorems for a Meir-Keeler type condition with applications

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung 82444, Taiwan

2 Department of Mathematics, National Technical University of Athens, Zofrafou Campus, 15780 Athens, Greece


In this paper, we first establish a new fixed point theorem for a Meir-Keeler type condition. As an application, we derive a simultaneous generalization of Banach contraction principle, Kannan's fixed point theorem, Chatterjea's fixed point theorem and other fixed point theorems. Some new fixed point theorems are also obtained.


Volume 11, Issue 1
April 2020
Pages 55-66
  • Receive Date: 12 March 2019
  • Revise Date: 14 October 2019
  • Accept Date: 13 November 2019