A Novel Robust Hierarchical Consensus Algorithm with Application in DC Nanogrids Coordination

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


This research investigates the delay sensitivity of discrete-time consensus among agents which communicate over a scale-free network with hubs. In this paper, a novel hierarchical consensus algorithm, based on the idea of virtual communication graph degree reduction, is proposed. As a result, a significant consensus speed gain is obtained which provides a potential time margin for applying cyber-physical techniques that cause systematic input delay. This approach provides robustness and resiliency in case of any communication topology disturbance during cyber- physical attacks or plug-and-play events. The feasibility of plug- and-play, which has the potential to increase the input delay, is presented based on the gained margin as a sample scenario. The algorithm application in the coordination of distributed photovoltaic resources of several nano-grids communicating over a scale-free network, is assessed via simulation as well.


Volume 10, Issue 2
December 2019
Pages 97-110
  • Receive Date: 15 December 2017
  • Revise Date: 01 November 2018
  • Accept Date: 25 September 2019