Guide for Authors

Preparation of manuscripts:

Manuscripts should be typeset in English with double spacing by using AMS-LaTeX (Word files (*.doc) are not accepted). In the case of acceptance, the author should prepare the paper by using the style file of the LaTeX IJNAA package.

While you are preparing your paper for submission, please take care of the following:

  • Submissions must be more than 5 pages based on the IJNAA style.
  • The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
  • The (full name) authors should include as footnotes for the first page,
  • Keywords and MSC codes must accompany all articles. A list of the subject classifications can be accessed or searched online in the Annual Index of Mathematical Reviews.
  • Other footnotes may also be included on the first page about supporting grants, presentations, etc.
  • A long formula should be broken into two or more lines. Empty spaces in the text should be removed.
  • Figures must be eps files or jpg files with more than 300 dpi resolution.
  • Acknowledgement should be at the end of the paper but preceding the references.
  • References should be listed in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the first author at the end of the paper and should be cited in the text as, e.g., [2] or [2; Theorem 3], etc. Use cite{B} to refer to a specific book/paper B in the text. Remove unused references. 
  • References should be given in the following format:

Journal’s papers:  A.  Author, The title of the article, The name of the journal Volume (Year), no. Number,   Pages, An optional note.

Master’s thesis:  A.  Author, The title of the master’s thesis, Master’s thesis, The school of the thesis, The address of the publisher, Month Year, An optional note.

Manual: A.  Author, The title of the manual, The organization, The address of the publisher, edition ed., Month Year, An optional note.

Conference papers:  A.  Author, The title of the work in the conference, The title of the book (The address of the publisher) (The editor, ed.), Series, vol. Volume,  The organization, The publisher, Month Year, An optional note, p. Pages.

In collection: A.  Author, The title of the work in the collection, The title of the book (The editor, ed.),  Series, The name of the publisher, The address of the publisher, edition ed., Month Year,   An optional note, p. Pages.

Book: A.  Author, The title of the book, edition ed., Series, vol. Volume, The name of publisher, Address, Month Year, An optional note.

‌Booklet: A. Author, The title of the booklet, How it was published, The address of the publisher, Month Year, An optional note.

Inbook: A. Author, The title of the work in the book, edition ed., Series, vol. Volume, ch. Chapter, p. Pages, The name of the publisher, The address of the publisher, Month Year, An optional note.

Unpublished: A. Author, The title of the work that is unpublished, An optional note, Month Year.

Tech. report:  A. Author, The title of the work in tech. report, Tech. Report Number, The institution that published, The address of the publisher, Month Year, An optional note.

Phd thesis:   A. Author, The title of the phd thesis, Ph.D. thesis, The school of the thesis, The address of  the publisher, Month Year, An optional note.

 Misc: A. Author, The title of the work in misc, How it was published, Month Year, An optional not.

For bibitems, we strongly recommend that you use the bib file instead of typing resources directly into the manuscript file.

      Abbreviations of titles of periodicals and collections should be given following Mathematical Reviews at serials.pdf (


Journal papers: S. Abbaszadeh, M.E. Gordji, E. Pap and A. Szakál, Jensen-type inequalities for Sugeno integral, Inf. Sci. 376 (2017) 148-157.

Books: M.E. Gordji and S. Abbaszadeh, Theory of Approximate Functional Equations: In Banach Algebras, Inner Product Spaces and Amenable Groups, Academic Press, London, 2016.

Conference proceedings: D. Poole, What the lottery paradox tells us about default reasoning,  H.J. Levesque, R.J. Brachman, R. Reiter (Eds.), Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, KR'89, Morgan Kaufmann, Sn Mateo, CA, 1989, p. 333−340.



We strongly prefer to receive manuscripts via our online submission system. Using this system, authors can upload manuscript files (text, figures and supplementary information, including video) directly to our office and check on the status of their manuscripts during the review process. In addition, reviewers can access the manuscripts (in a highly secure fashion that maintains referee anonymity) over a direct internet link, which speeds up the review process.

The submission should include the original source (including all style files and figures) and a PDF version of the compiled output.


Revisions, including manuscripts submitted after a presubmission inquiry, should be uploaded via the link provided in the editor's decision letter. Please do not submit revisions as new manuscripts.

The number of submissions: The IJNAA is recently receiving a huge number of submissions. IJNAA does not accept more than one submission at the time for the refereeing procedure.

IMPORTANT! Please note that not more than 2 papers per calendar year, per author and co-author, can be submitted to the International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications.



A submitted paper will be refereed in the traditional way by at least two referees. Any member of the editorial board will try to make the decision within 3 months after submission. If necessary, the author(s) would be asked to revise the manuscript according to the referees reports. The editorial board reserves the right to make reasonable modifications in wording.



Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication has been approved by all co-authors if any, as well as (tacitly or explicitly) by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work is carried out.

Revising Process: To revise the paper do as the following chart:

Publishing Ethics:

IJNAA is committed to maintaining high standards through a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies. Any infringements of professional ethical codes, such as plagiarism, fraudulent use of data, bogus claims of authorship, should be taken very seriously by the editors with zero tolerance. IJNAA follows the Code of Conduct ( of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ( and follows the COPE Flowcharts ( for Resolving Cases of Suspected Misconduct.