Some properties of $q$-regularity and $q$-normality in supra topological spaces

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Directorate of Education Salah Eddin, Khaled Ibn Al Walid School, Tikrit, Iraq

2 Directorate of Education Kirkuk, Quraish School, Kirkuk City, Iraq

3 College of Computer and Mathematics, Tikrit University, Iraq


The objective of this article is, first, to introduce and investigate the notions of supra $q$-regular and supra $q$-normal by using the concepts of $q$-regularity  and $q$-normality. Second, to introduce some types of supra $q$-regular and supra $q$-normal continuous mappings and investigate some properties and point out their main features of them. Finally, we introduce and investigate supra $q$-regular (resp; supra $q$-normal) homeomorphism and supra $q$-regular (resp; supra  $q$-normal) irresolute map also supra $q$-regular (resp; supra $q$-normal) contra continuity map and investigate some properties of these mappings with several examples are presented.


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Volume 13, Issue 2
July 2022
Pages 95-101
  • Receive Date: 09 December 2021
  • Revise Date: 20 January 2022
  • Accept Date: 11 February 2022