Using LU analysis to encryption the images formed after steganography of image into another image

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Basic Education, University of Kufa, Iraq

2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Computer science and mathematics, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq


In this research, we will hide an image we call the secret image inside another image we call the repository. After converting the color values of both images from decimal to binary, we copy the stored images into four copies and use the eighth and seventh bits of these copies to hide the full bits of the secret image starting with the first. Two to be replaced in the eighth and seventh parts, respectively in the first version, then we hide the third and  fourth bits of the secret image in the eighth and seventh parts, respectively, of the second version of the repository images, after that we hide the fourth and fifth parts of the secret image in the eighth and seventh parts of The third version of the repository image, then finally we put the last two bits of the secret image in the eighth and seventh parts of the fourth version of the image After that, we retrieve the color values of the images formed  from the binary system to the decimal system so that we have four new warehouse images, but the secret image that did not show any features in the images  roduced in order to strengthen the masking process, we encrypt those formed images using one of the mathematical analyzes within the field of analysis Numerical, which is the analysis of LU factors, which analyzes the image or divides it into two images, and we will see this through the working methodology.


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Volume 13, Issue 2
July 2022
Pages 227-235
  • Receive Date: 10 December 2021
  • Revise Date: 26 January 2022
  • Accept Date: 09 February 2022