On $A_{\lambda}$-almost null and $A_{\lambda}$-almost convergent Orlicz sequence spaces

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Mathematics, School of Chemical Engineering and Physical Sciences, Lovely Professional University


G. Lorentz}. In this paper, some new generalized sequence spaces on $A_\lambda$-almost null \& $A_{\lambda}$-almost convergent sequences by Orlicz function are introduced and extended to the paranormed sequence spaces. Some inclusion relation has also been established between the new spaces. In addition, the $\alpha$-, $\beta$- and $\gamma$-duals of these spaces, and the characterization of $\left(A_\lambda(f)(\Delta, M, q): \nu\right)$ \& $\left(\nu: A_\lambda(f)(\Delta, M, q)\right)$ of infinite matrices are also given.


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Volume 13, Issue 2
July 2022
Pages 307-314
  • Receive Date: 29 October 2021
  • Revise Date: 27 November 2021
  • Accept Date: 10 April 2022