Optimal demand response program design using a three phase optimization algorithm in electric vehicle charge/discharge application

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Malekan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malekan, Iran

2 Engineering Faculty, Near East University, 99138 Nicosia, North Cyprus, Mersin 10, Turkey

3 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Istanbul Aydin University, Istanbul, Turkey


In this paper, the effects of distributed generation resources and demand response programs on the placement of charging or discharging stations are investigated. The effectiveness of an optimal exploitation approach is evaluated. pivotal factors of optimal charge/discharge power in stations are a combination of technical and economic parameters. The technical parameters contain minimization of network losses, voltage loss reduction in feeders, smoothing network load curve and harmonic elimination. The placement of stations and charge/discharge power were considered the most effective economic parameters. In other words, the minimization of charge/discharge operations results in cost reduction in purchasing power. A price-based demand-response program is considered to manage loads on the customer side and smooth the load curve. meta-heuristic optimization algorithms such as genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and imperialist are considered to find an optimal solution. This study is simulated on an IEEE standard 69-bus network. Using a conventional hybrid algorithm shows that the problem of station replacement and charge/discharge program can be solved optimally. Moreover, the effects of an increased number of stations and a disturbance in charge/discharge capacity are examined.


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Volume 14, Issue 9
September 2023
Pages 169-180
  • Receive Date: 18 April 2021
  • Revise Date: 14 May 2021
  • Accept Date: 30 June 2021