Recognizing the theory of sustainable urban design in peri-urban areas

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Urban Planning and Design, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of Urban Planning and Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


A city is a collection of living and dynamic factors that have been given an identity over time and are transferred to the following periods. In addition, the city grows over time and interacts with its citizens. The ideal of a residential neighborhood in the peri-urban areas of metropolises has been placed in many modern opinions and has been welcomed to solve various urban problems such as management, social and human relations, health and welfare issues, and semantic and identity dimensions. New phenomena have been formed in the spatial organization of the land with the release of the traditional metropolis from the fence of the central city and residential development, shopping and activity centers, and work and recreation to the periphery of the metropolis. On the other hand, different scales have been proposed to implement it in the city with the discussion of sustainable development (international, national, regional-provincial, regional, urban, neighborhood scales, neighborhood units, site, and architectural scale). In recent decades, sustainable urban development has been raised as an essential scientific issue in all societies and has occupied a large part of urban literature. Sustainable urban development approaches and strategies are critical issues and priorities of planning countries and regions of the world. Nearly four-fifths of the world's resources are consumed in cities that occupy only one-fiftieth of the earth's surface. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the level of sustainable urban design index/criterion derived from the Iranian city model. This applied, and descriptive-analytical study tried to assess the recreation and adaption of the components of sustainable urban design derived from the Iranian city in the metropolis of Tehran. The results showed that Iranian architecture-urban planning and its governing criteria were consistent with the features and characteristics of sustainable urban development, with more sustainability than today's modern architecture and urban planning in Iranian cities. The Iranian city has a kind of harmony in the physical environment with the climate and natural environment, in the adjacent functions of the environment, with the needs of man and the environment, and the mental and physiological characteristics of humans. Environmental management and planning of peri-cities require the intervention of many actors, from the local communities that work and live in these areas to executive institutions at the national and sub-national levels. The interaction of natural, rural, and urban ecosystems increases the complexity of cooperative strategies but creates new forms of cooperation that expand the border between urban and rural actions.


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Volume 15, Issue 8
August 2024
Pages 181-193
  • Receive Date: 05 April 2023
  • Revise Date: 20 July 2023
  • Accept Date: 13 August 2023