Designing the model of spirituality in the organization with the approach of moral climate and social behavior in education and upbringing using the structural equations technique

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Educational Sciences, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran


In the present day, we are observing many contests within organizations, particularly educational ones. These competitions are causing a great deal of tension for the employees of these organizations. Organizational spirituality has had a notable impact on the morale and social interactions of employees who are under pressure and can be an effective means of coping with this pressure. Integrating spirituality into an organization's structure can imbue work with a sense of purpose, and employees who prioritize their inner values tend to approach their work with diligence and ethics. This study aimed to assess and analyze the impact of spirituality within work environments on social behavior in Iran's education sector, with a particular focus on the mediating role of organizational moral climate. The research was conducted with a statistical population of 270 education workers, from whom 159 individuals were chosen randomly using Morgan's table. To gather data, three standardized questionnaires were utilized: Milliman et al.'s  [21] "spirituality in the workplace" questionnaire consisting of 13 questions, Duffy et al.'s [7] "social behavior" questionnaire with 14 questions, and Cullen, Victor and Bronson's [5] "ethical climate" questionnaire comprising of 18 questions. All questions were rated on a five-point Likert scale that ranged from "very little" to "very much." After ensuring the questionnaire's validity and reliability through face validity and Cronbach's alpha, research hypotheses were analyzed and evaluated using SMART PLS software. The analysis demonstrated that spirituality within the work environment has a positive and significant influence on an organization's moral climate and social behavior. Moreover, it was revealed that the moral climate fully mediates the effect of organizational spirituality on social behavior.


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Volume 15, Issue 9
September 2024
Pages 41-53
  • Receive Date: 11 January 2023
  • Revise Date: 29 June 2023
  • Accept Date: 04 July 2023