Identification and leveling of factors affecting the evaluation of organizational performance in Iran Telecommunication Company using FAHP Mikhailov and ISM methods

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Industrial Management, Masjed Soleiman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Masjed Soleiman, Iran

2 Department of Industrial Management, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

3 Department of Management, Qom University, Qom, Iran


The purpose of this research is to identify effective factors in the evaluation of organizational performance in Iran Telecommunication Company using the fuzzy hierarchical analysis method of Mikhailov along with interpretive structural modelling. First, by studying the literature and research history, more than 14 general factors affecting the evaluation of organizational performance were identified, which were identified using a questionnaire and based on the opinions of 22 experts, among them 9 factors with a total of about 90\% of the opinions that have the most importance in influencing were determined to be considered for levelling. The levelling of these factors in terms of importance was based on the FAHP method and the ISM method. Due to the use of Mikhailov's fuzzy hierarchical analysis method along with interpretive structural modelling to identify and stratify the influencing factors on the evaluation of organizational performance, this research is considered an innovative model for studying the evaluation of organizational performance. According to the findings of the review of the above factors, which was based on ISM, the ``public environment" factor has gained the most importance, and this factor, along with the ``strategy" factors, as well as ``processes and methods" and ``interactive environment" as basic factors in The final research model was determined.


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Volume 15, Issue 11
November 2024
Pages 231-247
  • Receive Date: 13 August 2023
  • Revise Date: 30 October 2023
  • Accept Date: 18 November 2023