Identifying and prioritizing the components of urban intelligence to increase the resilience of cities

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Nowadays, smart urban management improves the resilience of cities. Since the resilience of a city increases with the smartening of its infrastructures, so it seems that resilience and smart urban management by using common infrastructures and indicators have an effect on solving today's urban problems. They have a lot. Therefore, this study has identified and prioritized the components of urban intelligence to increase the resilience of cities as its main goal. This study is based on practical purpose and in terms of data collection, it is a descriptive correlational type that has used library sources and a questionnaire to collect the required information. The questionnaire of this study is a researcher-made questionnaire and consists of 105 questions whose validity and reliability have been confirmed. The statistical population of this study consists of specialists, experts and experts in the field of urban management in Tehran, of which 168 people were randomly selected as a statistical sample using Cochran's formula. In order to analyze the data, the structural equation method and Lisrel and SPSS software were used, and finally, the identified indicators were prioritized based on the AHP method. The obtained results indicate that the components of urban intelligence for the resilience of cities are under the indicators of building, energy, telecommunications, transportation, human services, water and its treatment, public security and payments. The results of prioritizing the indicators also prove that human services, buildings and transportation systems have a higher priority compared to the size of the indicators and it is necessary to be given special attention by the relevant authorities and experts in order to create resilient smart cities.


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Volume 15, Issue 12
December 2024
Pages 237-245
  • Receive Date: 07 September 2023
  • Accept Date: 02 December 2023