Presenting the evolutionary model of Iran's startup ecosystem

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Information Technology Management, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Industrial Management, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Department of Department of Information Technology Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Department of Management and Economics, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Today, maintaining the competitiveness of innovation and economic growth and development by strengthening and promoting entrepreneurship is one of the most important economic concerns of the leaders of countries worldwide. The requirement for the development of productive entrepreneurship is to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem that provides smooth and favourable conditions for the growth and flourishing of entrepreneurial activities of high-growth companies and creative and innovative startups. In this research, an attempt has been made to present the evolutionary model of Iran's startup ecosystem. In the current research, 2 ecosystems have been studied and investigated. The method of collecting information is library-based and based on the official statistics of the Global Entrepreneurship Development Institute and the official website of the World Bank and FAVA (Iranian Technology and Information Organization), GNOME Institute, the Central Bank and the Department of Statistics and Information of Iran. This article has three phases. The first phase is to determine the components and factors that define the startup ecosystem, and the relationship between them is also examined. The map produced in phase one and the presentation of the maturity model for the evolution process of the ecosystem under it. In this phase, the mixed method of literature review and a panel of experts has been used. The third phase aims to refine and validate the evolutionary and maturity model presented in the second phase. Following the necessity of adopting a comprehensive approach to the category of promoting and supporting productive entrepreneurship which leads in the current research, the elements are explained and the nature of the startup ecosystem is taken into consideration, and according to the nature of the startup ecosystem and the need to create systemic changes And comprehensively, in this approach in three phases and case research in three regions, we achieved a mature and evolved model in Iran's startup ecosystem.


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Volume 15, Issue 12
December 2024
Pages 311-323
  • Receive Date: 28 June 2023
  • Accept Date: 29 September 2023