Presenting a blockchain-based nonlinear model for the security of smart home

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran


Using the Internet of Things technology, it will be possible to control the smart devices and appliances in a smart home. In this paper, the policies and concerns of users of smart devices and devices in homes and the factors that threaten privacy and access control in the Internet of Things are identified. In order to prevent the factors that cause these limitations, a non-linear model with its application in the smart home is presented. It is also investigated at which stage access to the Internet of Things weakens the security of smart homes and attacks by hackers. The independent variable of this research is the safe design of the smart home, and the variables of speed, time, usefulness, efficiency, ease of use, usability and security are dependent variables. The emphasis of this paper is on the use of blockchain technology to store the security rules in the form of a script inside the blockchain and the security rules are not concentrated in one place. Finally, a non-linear model is presented that can cover some of the security disadvantages of using the Internet of Things in smart homes and increase the security of the smart home.


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Volume 15, Issue 12
December 2024
Pages 333-341
  • Receive Date: 07 July 2023
  • Accept Date: 30 September 2023