Presenting a model for the organizational identity of the cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts organization of Tehran Province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Cultural Management, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Cultural Management, Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran

3 Department of Cultural Management and Planning, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Public Management, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The current study has presented the organizational identity model of the Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Organization of Tehran Province. This is a mixed-method (combination of qualitative and quantitative methods) and applied type of research. In the first stage, the qualitative approach was used. The statistical population in the qualitative part includes the faculty members of the Cultural Management Department and executive experts of the Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Organization of Tehran Province. In addition, 20 scientific and academic experts in culture and politics were also used. The research materials included researcher-made coding sheets, whose validity was confirmed by the members of the Delphi group, and reliability was calculated with the P-Scott criterion as 0.95. The statistical population in the second stage of the research study are the employees of cultural organizations and institutions, which are about 250 people. Based on Cochran's formula, the sample size was estimated to be 160 people. After collecting the data, the data were analyzed at two descriptive levels using statistical indicators (like frequency, percentage, and average); the inferential level of confirmatory factor analysis was run using Spss 22, Lisrel 8.54, and Excel. The results indicated that the factors related to the organizational identity model of the Organization of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Tehran Province were placed in the form of 13 categories and five dimensions of critical factors (organizational identity of employees), causal conditions, contextual conditions, intervening conditions, strategies, and consequences. Besides, it showed that among the dimensions of the organizational identity model of the Organization of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts of Tehran Province, the dimension of causal conditions with an average of (0.90) has the most significant impact and the dimension of consequences with an average of (0.53) has the most negligible impact on the organizational identity of the Organization of Cultural Heritage, tourism and handicrafts of Tehran province.


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Volume 16, Issue 1
January 2025
Pages 99-112
  • Receive Date: 04 December 2023
  • Accept Date: 18 February 2024