Solutions of fractional functional integrodifferential equations via Petryshyn’s fixed point theorem

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics‎, ‎Faculty of Science‎, ‎Damanhour University‎, ‎Egypt

2 Department of Mathematics, Ashtian Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ashtian, Iran

3 Department of mathematics, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran



‎This article provides the presence of solutions to a fractional functional integro-differential equation via measures of non-compactness‎. ‎We present and prove a novel theorem that guarantees the existence of solutions‎, ‎employing Petryshyn's fixed point theorem in the space of continuous functions‎. ‎These findings build upon previous studies by establishing the existence of results under less stringent conditions‎. ‎Furthermore‎, ‎we provide illustrative examples of such equations to showcase the efficacy of the obtained results.


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