Investigate the possible effects of the implementation of value-added tax on the amount of government budget deficit, cost of domestic products, demand pressure, inflationary expectations and inflation in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Accounting, Kashan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashan, Iran


This paper investigates the possible effects of the implementation of value-added tax on Iran's inflation in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The time domain of the collected data includes the financial statements of manufacturing companies accepted in the Tehran Stock Exchange in 6 years from the spring of 2014 to the spring of 2019. The obtained data includes manufacturing, service companies and institutions. Moreover, leasing companies, financial institutions, insurance and banks are not included with their data uploaded based on the Kodal site. The liquidity growth has been obtained from 2013 as the base year. This paper evaluates the collected data in two descriptive and inferential statistics sections. The descriptive analysis includes the indicators of descriptive statistics of frequency, percentage of relative frequency, mean, standard deviation, and inferential section art investigates research hypotheses using independent variables over dependent variables. In the following, efforts were made to investigate the direct and indirect effects of statistical equations and Eviews10, Excel software. the modified model results show the estimated coefficient of $(\beta= 368.1346)$. Also, the value (T=3.803553) of the critical point (2) and the probability level of Prob=0002, show that the estimated coefficient obtained is significant. The $R^{2}$ value indicates that the variable of inflation, which is known as an independent variable, has been able to affect the dependent variable of value-added tax by 0.89\%. The value of AR(1) is the amount of residual or residual based on the time pattern. According to the correction of the model, Durbin-Watson's value ranges from 1.80 to 10.2 for the optimal fit model.


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Volume 16, Issue 4
April 2025
Pages 311-324
  • Receive Date: 07 September 2022
  • Accept Date: 11 December 2022