Evaluation of the hypothesis of habit formation in purchasing life insurance policies in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Throughout its lifetime, neoclassical economics has always faced a steady stream of criticisms and suggestions regarding alternative methods and methodical approaches. The insurance industry consists of a large number of investors with different sentiments. These investors can be faced with emotions such as fear or excitement. In the capital market, these same feelings of investors can become problematic. As many people gain in the stock market and their capital increases, many people may also suffer losses. This research is of an applied type and the data of the statistical sample of the research, which includes the information of customers buying products in the insurance industry during the years 2013-2014, will be analyzed. First, the research variables were calculated using Excel software, and then the data was analyzed in a panel format using Eviews software. In the following, the research hypotheses will be analyzed. Finally, with statistical analysis, it can be stated that the hypothesis of habit formation in buying life insurance by using multivariate and autoregressive conditional heterogeneity variance approach has a significant effect.


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Volume 16, Issue 6
June 2025
Pages 139-151
  • Receive Date: 14 March 2023
  • Accept Date: 08 May 2023