Provision of a model for the adoption of e-banking technologies with emphasis on behavior of users

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Technology Management, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran



This research was conducted to develop a model for adopting electronic banking technologies based on the behaviour of users in Shahr (City) Bank. The research method is qualitative and was performed utilising the Delphi method. First, data from research papers/literature and interviews were analysed and coded using MAXQDA software and 76 components were obtained. The extracted components were grouped into four dimensions: sociological, psychological, demographic and technical services plus 10 indicators of culture and norms, social class, social pressure, demographics, quality of technical services, ease/simplicity of technical services, behavioural, emotional, perceptual and personality. In two stages, the Delphi group reached a consensus on 74 dimensions, indicators and components. The findings of the DEMATEL technique demonstrated that the sociological dimension has the greatest impact on other dimensions as far as the acceptance/adoption of the technology. Indicators such as personality, perception, emotions, behaviours, service quality and culture and norms all have the largest impact. Compliant with the findings, the research model was devised/designed.


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