Designing an organizational communication model based on organizational culture in the government sector (state banks)

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Public Administration, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran



The current research deals with the design of the organizational communication model based on the organization's culture in the sector of state banks (state banks). The type of research is descriptive correlational, and the study is fundamental in terms of purpose. This qualitative research has been conducted using grounded theory and structural-interpretive modelling. Data analysis was done through three stages open coding, central coding and selective coding, and then a model was explained based on the grounded theory. This qualitative research has been conducted using grounded theory and structural-interpretive modelling. Data analysis was done through three stages open coding, central coding and selective coding, and then a model was explained based on the grounded theory. The results of hypothesis testing revealed a model that described organizational communications with organizational culture from an Islamic perspective in state banks (Bank Melli Iran, Sepah Bank, Export Development Bank of Iran, Saderat Bank of Iran, Sanat and Madan Bank, Keshavarzi Bank, Maskan Bank, Post Bank of Iran, Tose'e Ta'avon Bank). The research findings are based on the organizational communication model based on ethical organizational culture in the government sector (state banks). Organizational communication is highly influenced by the culture that governs the organization, and as much as a proper communication and cultural strategy is created in the organization, the organizational processes in the field of human resources, especially banks, will be more optimal. Organisational communication aims to transfer the required information to all parts of the organization. Determining what, when and how to communicate to employees is the key to implementing this system.


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Articles in Press, Corrected Proof
Available Online from 19 January 2025
  • Receive Date: 18 October 2023
  • Accept Date: 28 December 2023