An Intelligent Model to Predict the Development Time and Budget of Software Projects

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Computer Engineering, Bardsir Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bardsir, Iran


Today, software projects are a major part of information and business technology. Estimating the cost and delivery time of a project is one of the most important aspects of its development process. The results of this estimate are directly related to the failure or success of the whole project. Project anomalies, high diversity, intangibility, and poor standards are obstacles that have hampered various current forecasting models. In this regard, the aim of this paper is to provide an intelligent hybrid model that is able to weigh the project features properly. The main idea of the proposed model is based on mathematical methods, soft computing and using previous estimation methods. After the complete introduction of the new model, its efficiency is evaluated using Desharnais and ISBSG databases. The results indicate higher accuracy and greater flexibility of the proposed model. Improvement rate shows in the various metrics such as MdMRE, Pred(0.25) and MMRE separately, but the average improvement rate is 31%.


Volume 11, Issue 2
December 2020
Pages 85-102
  • Receive Date: 15 September 2019
  • Revise Date: 09 January 2020
  • Accept Date: 18 June 2020