Comparative analysis of parallel algorithms for solving oil recovery problem using CUDA and OpenCL

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Yessenov University‎, ‎Aktau‎, ‎Kazakhstan

2 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University‎, ‎Almaty‎, ‎Kazakhstan

3 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty‎, ‎Kazakhstan


‎In this paper the implementation of parallel algorithm of alternating direction implicit (ADI) method has been considered‎. ‎ADI parallel algorithm is used to solve a multiphase multicomponent fluid flow problem in porous media‎. ‎There are various technologies for implementing parallel algorithms on the CPU and GPU for solving hydrodynamic problems‎. ‎In this paper GPU-based (graphic processor unit) algorithm was used‎. ‎To implement the GPU-based parallel ADI method‎, ‎CUDA and OpenCL were used‎. ‎ADI is an iterative method used to solve matrix equations‎. ‎To solve the tridiagonal system of equations in ADI method‎, ‎the parallel version of cyclic reduction (CR) method was implemented‎. ‎The cyclic reduction is a method for solving linear equations by repeatedly splitting a problem as a Thomas method‎. ‎To implement of a sequential algorithm for solving the oil recovery problem‎, ‎the implicit Thomas method was used‎. ‎Thomas method or tridiagonal matrix algorithm is used to solve tridiagonal systems of equations‎. ‎To test parallel algorithms personal computer installed Nvidia RTX 2080 graphic card with 8 GB of video memory was used‎. ‎The computing results of parallel algorithms using CUDA and OpenCL were compared and analyzed‎. ‎The main purpose of this research work is a comparative analysis of the parallel algorithm computing results on different technologies‎, ‎in order to show the advantages and disadvantages each of CUDA and OpenCL for solving oil recovery problems‎.


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Volume 12, Issue 1
May 2021
Pages 351-364
  • Receive Date: 10 October 2020
  • Revise Date: 25 January 2021
  • Accept Date: 27 January 2021