On the system of double equations with three unknowns $d+ay+bx+cx^2=z^2‎ , ‎y+z=x^2$

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Shrimati Indira Gandhi College, Trichy-620 002, Tamil Nadu, India

2 ‎Department of Mathematics‎, ‎Faculty of Science and Arts‎, ‎Kirklareli University‎, ‎39100‎, ‎Kirklareli‎, ‎Turkey‎


‎The system of double equations with three unknowns given by $d+ay+bx+cx^2=z^2‎ , ‎y+z=x^2$ is analysed for its infinitely many non-zero distinct integer solutions‎. ‎Different sets of integer solutions have been presented‎. ‎A few interesting relations among the solutions are given‎.


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Volume 12, Issue 1
May 2021
Pages 575-581
  • Receive Date: 07 April 2018
  • Revise Date: 31 July 2019
  • Accept Date: 17 October 2019