A Study and analysis of attacks by exploiting the source code against computer systems

Document Type : Review articles


Department of Law Affairs, Baghdad University Presidency, University of Baghdad, Iraq


An avalanche of threats from malicious used information and communication technologies (ICT) ‎in political, military, economic and social affairs led to a deep awareness of the fact that new ‎technologies may pose additional risks to international peace and safety. Thus, the problem of ‎international information security, that is, the state of the spread of information among the ‎countries of the world, with which excludes the possibility of violation of the rights of the ‎individual and users in various state agencies and in all fields of knowledge. In the field of ‎knowledge, as well as destructive and illegal impact on elements of the national critical ‎information infrastructure, became an integral part of international security as a system of ‎international relations based on the observance by all states of generally recognized principles and ‎norms of international law and excluding the solution of controversial questions and ‎disagreements between them through force or threat of force, in general. Thus, the principles of ‎international security providing for promoting peaceful coexistence, being ensuring equal security ‎for all states, the creation of effective guarantees in the military, political, economic and ‎humanitarian spheres, preventing the race of nuclear and space weapons, respect for the sovereign ‎rights of every people, fair political settlement of international crises and regional conflicts ‎certainly include the creation of a system of international information security. At the same time, ‎under the IIB system, designed for countering threats to strategic stability and ensuring equal ‎partnership in the global digital environment, we understand the totality international and ‎national norms and institutions, chief among which are the UN Regulated activities of various ‎actors worldwide.‎


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Volume 12, Special Issue
December 2021
Pages 415-424
  • Receive Date: 14 April 2021
  • Revise Date: 24 May 2021
  • Accept Date: 10 June 2021