Document Type : Research Paper
1 Department of Business Administration, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 Department of Public Administration, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 Department of Finance and Banking, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.
Maskan Bank is one of the state-owned banks with a wide range of banking services, including financing for housing and construction, financing plans of the government development programs in housing development, inclusive public banking services to conduct its inherent mission, and banking businesses requiring financing from standard methods and banking marketing. This research aimed to provide Maskan bank marketing model using an integrated supply chain approach considering the financial and credit turnover in the construction and housing industry. The Grounded theory strategies, including reading documents, in-depth interviews with experts and extracting concepts, and open, axial, and selective coding, were used in the qualitative section using the mixed method. Then, a paradigm model was presented with 6 dimensions and 42 components. The descriptive survey method was used in the quantitative part, and PLS software was used to test the proposed model. The results were confirmed and fitted in a model for Maskan bank marketing using an integrated supply chain approach in the construction and housing industry.