Establishing mathematical models for determining quantum dot potential for pbs and pbte structures in terms of QD's diameters by numerical methods

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Directorate of Education Salah Eddin, Ministry of Education, Iraq

2 Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, Tikrit University, Iraq

3 Directorate General of Education in Salah al-Din Province, Iraq


The main goal of this paper is to obtain the estimated determination of the quantum dot potential for PbS and PbTe structures (in mV) which are compared to other values at different QD's diameters (in nm). In order to investigate this goal, the study relies on two methods of interpolation such as Neville and Spline methods, as well as it constructs mathematical models that help to find the estimate determination of quantum dot potential for PbS and PbTe structures compared to other values at different QD's diameters. The numerical results were very close to the real results. Finally, we estimated the determinations outside the fields and labs of the measured areas.


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Volume 13, Issue 1
March 2022
Pages 729-735
  • Receive Date: 08 August 2021
  • Revise Date: 09 August 2021
  • Accept Date: 27 September 2021