Computer-based plagiarism detection techniques: A comparative study

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Research and Development Department, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Iraq

2 Department of Computer Science, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq


Plagiarism is becoming more of a problem in academics. It's made worse by the ease with which a wide range of resources can be found on the internet, as well as the ease with which they can be copied and pasted. It is academic theft since the perpetrator has "taken" and presented the work of others as his or her own. Manual detection of plagiarism by a human being is difficult, imprecise, and time-consuming because it is difficult for anyone to compare their work to current data. Plagiarism is a big problem in higher education, and it can happen on any topic. Plagiarism detection has been studied in many scientific articles, and methods for recognition have been created utilizing the Plagiarism analysis, Authorship identification, and Near-duplicate detection (PAN) Dataset 2009- 2011. Verbatim plagiarism, according to the researchers, plagiarism is simply copying and pasting. They then moved on to smart plagiarism, which is more challenging to spot since it might include text change, taking ideas from other academics, and translation into a more difficult-to-manage language. Other studies have found that plagiarism can obscure the scientific content of publications by swapping words, removing or adding material, or reordering or changing the original articles. This article discusses the comparative study of plagiarism detection techniques.


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Volume 13, Issue 1
March 2022
Pages 3599-3611
  • Receive Date: 07 November 2021
  • Revise Date: 02 December 2021
  • Accept Date: 05 January 2022