Providing a behavioral model of mental accounting decision-making based on psychological components through data theory and meta-composition

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Accounting, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran


Mental accounting is a description of the ways in which they do these things. Based on the concept of mental accounting, people in their financial decisions to evaluate each decision, open a separate account in mind and try to examine the consequences of each decision (positive or negative) alone. This research seeks modeling through grounded theory method. Because we are looking to provide a model. This research is based on the systematic method of grounded theory. In this method, after identifying the research problem and reviewing the previous literature, sampling is done. Data were collected through interviews with 15 experts in the field of research. The method of selecting experts was through the method of snowball. Studies show that people's decisions are not always logically consistent with the decision models introduced in the financial texts. Investors should consider their vision as an account for a specific purpose and have a long-term vision. Because short-term goals usually outweigh long-term goals and lead to the use of mental accounts. Having an empty mind means doing something empty-handed and having mental accounting means having enough information about a subject or a subject. Therefore, planning is not possible without mental accounting.


Volume 14, Issue 1
January 2023
Pages 393-408
  • Receive Date: 09 December 2021
  • Revise Date: 06 February 2022
  • Accept Date: 26 February 2022