Provide an algorithm for connecting bootstrap-based smart objects to the cloud, using asymmetric encryption

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Isfahan University Of Technology, Isfahan, Iran


Cloud computing and the Internet of Things have both experienced rapid and independent evolution. These two technologies are very different from each other and most of their features complement each other. These properties, which complement other technologies, are the main reason why researchers propose to integrate these two technologies, which in certain cases can be of great benefit. Therefore, the present study aimed to provide an algorithm for the connection of smart objects based on bootstrapping with the cloud, using asymmetric cryptography. In terms of purpose, this research is in the category of applied research. All relevant documents from written sources, including books, articles published in reputable scientific-research journals, research reports on the subject and academic dissertations, and valid Internet resources, and Related to the subject are studied and used. Using the public key on a resource-limited smart device with CoAP, we learn how to obtain a 3GPP-based public bootstrap architecture to ensure authentication and connectivity across a variety of devices. Then, with the help of standard protocols, including RADIUS and EAP, without the need to install new software on the phone, it is possible to automatically set up a wireless network with content to communicate with the cloud. Improved protocols meet the requirements of key IoT security services such as privacy, publicity, and credibility, and can achieve better performance with lower communication costs. On the other hand, the goal of most methods is to increase the scalability and performance of the system and control access to prevent unauthorized access.


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Volume 14, Issue 1
January 2023
Pages 2101-2110
  • Receive Date: 15 February 2022
  • Revise Date: 19 March 2022
  • Accept Date: 25 May 2022