An optimal model for measuring the human resources productivity in the East Azarbaijan Gas Company

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Public Administration, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran

2 Department of Educational Sciences, Bonab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran


This synthesis research aimed to design an optimal model for measuring the human resources productivity in the East Azarbaijan Gas Company. The designed model was provided to experts for validation. The data were collected from related articles, books, and documents using databases and written resource centers. The statistical population included all valid scientific articles measuring human resource productivity. A total of 54 research articles were selected for final analysis based on inclusion and exclusion criteria due to regular searches in databases. The worksheet form designed by the researcher was used to collect the research information. The findings were analyzed using the seven-step model for the research synthesis by Marsh (1991) and open and axial coding methods. The views of experts, managers and employees of the gas department were used, and the content validity was 0.847 to determine the validity of the human resource efficiency measurement model. The results showed that the optimal model for measuring human resource productivity in East Azerbaijan Gas Company included five indicators of measuring services provided, customer perception and satisfaction, community improvement, unwanted results, and efficiency, each of which includes different components.


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Volume 14, Issue 1
January 2023
Pages 2233-2246
  • Receive Date: 28 February 2022
  • Revise Date: 22 May 2022
  • Accept Date: 02 June 2022