The strategic use of events to revitalize cities: Najaf as a case study

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of architecture, College of engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq


The pressures caused by the multiplicity of problems and challenges in the contemporary life of cities have led to the need to reactivate identities and their role in improving economic, social and cultural realities. In addition, making it one of the competing cities towards excellence, using cultural assets and resources, the establishment and promotion of events such as festivals, performances, religious practices and sports tournaments have become a contributing element to urban development strategies around the world, this has always required innovative actions and measures to surround this type of practice. This research attempts to delve into this field to introduce the most importantly effective and influential strategies in the revitalization of cities through events. The problem of research has been identified in the limited knowledge data in dealing with events as an effective strategy in revitalising cities, so the aim of the research seeks to raise the cognitive aspects surrounding the possibilities that contribute to the revitalization and prosperity of cities, through the event as an effective strategy. Moreover, extract the most important dimensions and indicators that include this, as knowledge added to the features of strategic use within the broader development plan and research methodology. To reach conclusions regarding the recommendations of the city of Najaf as a case study in this field.


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Volume 14, Issue 8
August 2023
Pages 265-282
  • Receive Date: 10 August 2022
  • Revise Date: 20 September 2022
  • Accept Date: 28 October 2022