The influence of Ambidextrous leadership on the Perma model of worker welfare

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Industrial Management, College of Administration and Economics, University of Baghdad, Iraq


The research aims to know the extent of the influence of Ambidextrous leadership on the Perma model for the well-being of workers and to indicate which of the two companies is the best in directing and investing the dimensions of the concepts of (Ambidextrous leadership) and (Perma Model), but the problem faced by organizations working in the field of communications in the contemporary business environment with The digital trend and the network economy from the intensity of competition and the acceleration of electronic developments and the poor access to resources, so the research focused on (the General Company for Communications and Informatics, the General Salam Company) as a community for research, as an intentional sample of (273) people from the senior leadership was chosen. The General Company for Communications and Informatics and Al-Salam Company, as it included a sample of administrative leaders (47) people according to the law (Herbert Arkin), and the comparative analytical descriptive approach was followed and information and data were collected through the questionnaire. The most important results, which is the interest of the senior leaders in the sample surveyed in the dimensions of Ambidextrous leadership, as well as the presence of a significant effect of Ambidextrous leadership in the Perma model of the two companies, which is a direct effect and that the Ambidextrous leadership explains a higher percentage in the Perma model of the General Peace Company, while the Ambidextrous leadership explains a lower percentage in the Perma model of the General Company for Communications and Informatics.


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Volume 14, Issue 1
January 2023
Pages 2313-2326
  • Receive Date: 08 August 2022
  • Revise Date: 17 September 2022
  • Accept Date: 07 November 2022