Structural equation modeling of consequences of organizational anomie

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Management, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan, Iran

2 Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran


Anomie can be called the phenomenon of the modern era because modernization causes damage to the previous value structure, and as a result, the modern man is somehow in confusion and identity crisis. This study has been conducted with the aim of modeling the explanatory structural equations of factors affecting the consequences of organizational anomie. About 12 experts' opinions have been used to model the explanatory structural equations of factors affecting the consequences of organizational anomie. In this research, to identify the criteria and express the relationships between the criteria, after studying the related research literature and interviewing the experts under study, the Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) technique and MICMAC analysis were used. After the data analysis, the variables were classified into four different levels and according to the ISM, graph relationships were drawn. After MICMAC analysis, the variables were placed in three groups of independent or key variables, autonomous and dependent. The variables of "nepotism and discrimination" and "technological turbulence" are more influenced by other factors and from a systemic point of view, they are considered among the effective and dependent elements (the second group) that have a weak influence, but despite this, they have a higher dependence force than It has other factors. Also, the variables "managers' lack of commitment to the organization's values" and "lack of a suitable evaluation system" are among the key variables, which are included in the category of independent variables (fourth group) and have a great impact on the realization and meta-analysis of the factors affecting the consequences of organizational anomie. , which has a high influence and low dependency. Determining the relationships between factors can lead to a better understanding of the issue and making appropriate decisions in identifying the factors affecting the consequences of organizational anomie.


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Volume 14, Issue 11
November 2023
Pages 127-138
  • Receive Date: 13 October 2022
  • Revise Date: 02 December 2022
  • Accept Date: 09 December 2022