Designing and explaining the model of postponing the limit of incompetence in human capital (case study of Postbank of Iran)

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Management, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran


The current research was conducted with the aim of designing a model to obtain a tool for measuring adequacy limits with a heuristic mixture. This, is due to the selection of exploratory mixes of qualitative data, in addition to the fact that more researchers have collected qualitative data first and then collected quantitative data. The required information has been collected by interviewing experts. In this research, "a model to obtain a tool for measuring inadequacy" was chosen as the central category. A total of 37 categories and 132 concepts were identified and selected. In the proposed model, three personality codes "individual factors", "organizational factors", and "social factors" are considered as causal conditions. Private individual factors of personal experiences, personality patterns and individual values, organizational factors of spirituality at work, organizational and organizational values, and in the consequences of social factors, social solidarity and social accountability are expressed. In the next step, the identified codes were investigated. For this purpose, they were identified and screened as the main factors using the Delphi technique, and in the next step, they were analyzed using the structural techniques of the proposed model. The factor load of causal factors in the main category is 0.74 and its t-statistic is 9.75, the factor load of contextual factors on strategies is 0.56 and its t-statistic is 2.10. The factor load of the intervening factors on strategies is 0.59 and its t-statistic is 2.06, the factor load of the main category on strategies is 0.52 and its t-statistic is 6.07. Finally, the factor load of the strategies on the outcomes was 0.87 and the Tian statistic was 9.06. Therefore, it can be said that the research model is approved.


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Volume 14, Issue 1
January 2023
Pages 3155-3167
  • Receive Date: 19 September 2022
  • Accept Date: 01 December 2022