Data and image encryption through steganography inside an image (MKTEXT-7) and (MK-12,13,14,15)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Basic Education, University of Kufa, Najaf, Iraq

2 Directorate of Education, Najaf Governorate, Najaf, Iraq


We sometimes need to hide data such as texts or images of international paintings or important manuscripts of a high degree of confidentiality and confidentiality, and this is done through several tasks, including archiving or transferring the image of the painting or manuscript to another place. Of course, archiving and preservation are twofold: the first is archiving, documentation and preservation of paper. The second: archiving, documenting and electronic preservation, which is currently the widest due to the digital development in transactions in various fields. In our algorithms, we will hide texts or an image of a global painting located within the abstract art of the artist Dr Luqman Al-Mudhaffar within other images. This is done by hiding the numerical values of the text characters or the color values of the image matrix within the image matrix in which we will hide the text or the image of the global panel that we will call the warehouse image. So that when you look at the image, you see the image of the warehouse, and there is no reference to the text or the image of the global plate. This work, which is considered the secret of hiding the text or the image, will depend on two basic conditions (the first is that the image of the warehouse matches the image of the global board in terms of the number of rows and the number of columns. The second is the use of a secret key to hide and show that only authorized persons know). These two algorithms, which we will call (MKTEXT-7) \& (MK-12), are considered a new method for encoding text and images, and it is one of the products of the great digital development in computer science. Masking and comparisons with readings of previous algorithms. We hope that the results will be at the required level so that we can develop them into more complex algorithms. We will also later combine this algorithm with previous algorithms to come up with a more complex algorithm that intruders cannot decipher.


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Volume 14, Issue 1
January 2023
Pages 2571-2585
  • Receive Date: 06 November 2022
  • Revise Date: 19 December 2023
  • Accept Date: 05 January 2023