Star ordering of range symmetric matrices in indefinite inner product space

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Government Arts and Science College, T.C.Koot Road, Vanur-605111, Tamil Nadu, India

2 Faculty of The Exact Sciences and Computer, Mathematics Department, University of Hassiba Benbouali, Chlef Algeria, B.P. 151 Hay Essalem, Chlef 02000, Algeria


In this paper, we obtain some characterizations of range symmetric matrices and utilize them to study the partial ordering of range symmetric matrices with respect to the indefinite inner product. As a consequence of this, different characterizations of partial orders on range symmetric matrices are obtained.


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Volume 14, Issue 8
August 2023
Pages 15-22
  • Receive Date: 18 March 2023
  • Accept Date: 07 June 2023