Author = Nasser Feghi Farahmand
Providing a model of financial decisions and efficient financial knowledge to improve cost management in the industry with a grounded theory approach (case study: shoe and leather industry of East Azerbaijan province)

Volume 16, Issue 3, March 2025, Pages 175-187


Keyvan Valipourian Mahjoubi; Nasser Feghhi Farahmand; Soleyman Iranzadeh

Developing a structural-interpretive model of factors affecting the establishment of systemic thinking in an organization (Case study: Companies active in the country's sugar industry)

Volume 15, Issue 12, December 2024, Pages 37-44


Seyfollah Zanjani; Nasser Feghhi Farahmand; Musa Rezvani Chaman Zamin

Developing a model of factors affecting the technology management system using a structural-interpretive approach in the Ministry of Petroleum

Volume 15, Issue 11, November 2024, Pages 149-157


Mahdi Alipour Paydar; Nasser Feghi Farahmand; Yaqub Alavi Matin

Explain the pattern of user trust in social media-based marketing

Volume 15, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 331-341


Karim Ramezani; Hossein Budaghi Khajeh Nobar; Nasser Feghhi Farahmand; Morteza Mahmoudzadeh

Designing a model for selecting a company growth strategy based on market and product success forecasts by comparing FIS and ANFIS methods

Volume 14, Issue 5, May 2023, Pages 219-234


Saeed Zanjani; Soleyman Iranzadeh; Asadollah Khadivi; Nasser Feghhi Farahmand

A model of sustainable consumer behavior in the insurance industry (Case study: Insurance Company Asia)

Volume 14, Issue 2, February 2023, Pages 341-358


Ali Effatpanah; Hossein Bodaghi Khajeh Noubar; Yaghob Alavimatin; Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand

Factors affecting the identification and prioritization of export industrial clusters of Iran to the eurasian economic union (case study: Gilan province)

Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 1027-1045


Ramin Yousefzadeh; Hossein Bodaghi Khajeh Noubar; Yaghob Alavimatin; Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand

Evaluation of green supply chain of small and medium manufacturing companies based on green productivity indicators using fuzzy inference system

Volume 12, Special Issue, December 2021, Pages 217-230


Esa Narimani Ghoortlar; Nazanin Pilevari; Nasser Feghhi Farahmand; Mohamadreza Motadel; Kamaleddin Rahmani