Efficiency of Target Location Scenarios in the Multi-Transmitter Multi-Receiver Passive Radar

Document Type : Research Paper


Electrical Engineering Department K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Multi-transmitter multi-receiver passive radar, which locates target in the surveillance area by the reflected signals of the available opportunistic transmitter from the target, is of interest in many applications. In this paper, we investigate different signal processing scenarios in multi-transmitter multi-receiver passive radar. These scenarios include decentralized processing of reference and surveillance signals, decentralized processing of surveillance signals, and centralized processing of surveillance signals that have different advantages, disadvantages, and requirements. A variety of possible measurements including TDOA, GROA, AOA and their combinations are presented under different scenarios. The Cramer Rao lower band (CRLB) is presented for different signal processing scenarios for the error of the target localization. The efficiency of the target localization for different signal processing scenarios and types of measurements has been investigated by the CRLB. As shown in the simulation results, the combined use of the measurements is always better than their single use. Also centralized and decentralized processing of surveillance signals, by arranging the receiver sensors in the far distances, can have better efficiency than close distance arrangements.


Volume 11, Issue 1
April 2020
Pages 21-35
  • Receive Date: 20 September 2019
  • Revise Date: 02 January 2020
  • Accept Date: 10 January 2020