Combining B-spline least-square schemes with different weight functions to solve the generalized regularized long wave equation

Document Type : Research Paper


Department Mathematics, Education College for pure Sciences, Basrah University, Basrah, Iraq


For solving differential equations, a variety of numerical methods are available, accuracy, performance, and application are all different. In this article, we proposed new numerical techniques for solving the generalized regularized long wave equation(GRLWE) that are based on types M and M-1 of B-splines-least-square method (BSLSM) and weight function of B-splines respectively, which were proposed previously for solving integro-differential equations [2] where $M\in {N}$.  We investigated linear stability using a Fourier method.


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Volume 13, Issue 1
March 2022
Pages 159-177
  • Receive Date: 10 June 2021
  • Accept Date: 30 August 2021