Folded monopole antenna for passive RFID tags

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of ECE, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India


A dual band monopole antenna for passive RFID tags is presented, simulated with suitable bandwidth and gain for RFID application. The monopole is optimized using HFSS to obtain dual band characteristics. This paper presents a dual-band monopole antenna suitable for passive RFID applications which operates at 2.45 GHz and 5.8 GHz. This antenna is designed with low cost and low profile substrate to achieve a reasonable gain. This antenna has a total area of 38×28mm2 and is mounted on an FR4 substrate with a thickness of 1.6mm, dielectric permittivity constant 4.4, and loss tangent of 0.025.


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Volume 12, Special Issue
December 2021
Pages 1713-1717
  • Receive Date: 02 August 2021
  • Accept Date: 20 November 2021