Fixed points and stability of new approximation algorithms for contractive-type operators in normed linear spaces

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Mathematics, Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Umuahia Abia State, Nigeria


In this paper, new iterative schemes called DI-iterative scheme, Chugh-DI iterative scheme and IH-iterative scheme are introduced and studied. In addition, convergence and stability results were obtained without necessarily imposing 'sum conditions' on the iteration parameters, which, among other things, increase the bulkiness and complexity of computations as was the case for several works studied so far in the literature.


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Volume 14, Issue 2
February 2023
Pages 281-299
  • Receive Date: 15 March 2021
  • Revise Date: 17 April 2021
  • Accept Date: 30 August 2021