Designing a mental model of date export barriers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Business Management, Khoramshahr International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khoramshahr, Iran

2 Department of Economics, Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran


The present research aims to investigate the important and fundamental obstacles to the export of Khuzestan dates; Presented a mental model of date export obstacles in Khuzestan province. This research was a type of exploratory mixed research, with the qualitative part based on the theory derived from the data and the quantitative part based on the descriptive-survey method. The qualitative part of the tool was a semi-structured interview and the quantitative part was based on a questionnaire. The statistical population in the qualitative section included experts, specialists, and date exporters, and saturation was achieved after interviewing 20 people. In this research, the qualitative part was analyzed with Max Kyuda software and the quantitative part was analyzed based on Lisrel software. The results showed the causal factors: thinking; decision-making power; individual understanding; type of behavior; Creativity; Understanding export behavior and simplifying issues. Based on the impact on the central category of the mental model of obstacles to date export, based on the intervening factors, the level of complexity of the issues; Work experience; analyze ; Interaction; mental perceptions; regulations; Decision making; inductive thinking; Deductive thinking; Emotional Intelligence; emotional intelligence and business intelligence and the underlying factors of the organization's strategies; environmental uncertainty; Uncertainty of information; big data; ability to predict; systems performance; the power of market analysis; idea generation in relation to future research strategies; predicting issues; planning; organizational perspective; Communication skills; Information and Communications Technology; administrative bureaucracy; organizational rules; International rights; Organizational concentration or lack of concentration; organizational processes; organizational hierarchy; consequences of interactions between businesses; dynamic changes; greater competitiveness; adapting to environmental changes; logical interpretation of data; Crisis Management; It leads to the change of individual attitudes and beliefs and organizational flexibility.


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Volume 15, Issue 3
March 2024
Pages 337-350
  • Receive Date: 16 February 2023
  • Revise Date: 25 May 2023
  • Accept Date: 02 June 2023